Title: Restructuring rules to allow for the 2.4ghz mini-z Post by: briankstan on March 14, 2008, 10:26:47 AM As you all are aware, the new mini-z is a 2.4ghz cars. I wouldn't have any issue with allowing it except that Kyosho actually upgraded the board with a stack of 3010 fets. this means that is essentially has more power.
Sso the question becomes. How long to we hold off on the new technology? all future mini-z's will the the 2.4ghz (as soon as all the old stock is sold). the good thing about it is that the chassis is the same as the MR-02 and it comes with a disk damper as stock equiptment. Do we allow them and then just allow the AM boards to be upgraded to the same stack? let me know how you guys feel about this. I know Nic has one, and I'll have one pretty soon. we can test them out and see how big of a difference there is in them. then go from there. for those of you that have the Helios, there will be a module available so you can continue to use it, Kyosho also has a 2.4 ghz radio that you can use as well. here is the upgrade kit, with controller. (http://www.saltlakemini-z.com/forum/gallery/1/1_14_03_08_5_04_31_4.jpg) a shot of the damper setup (http://www.saltlakemini-z.com/forum/gallery/1/1_14_03_08_5_04_31_1.jpg) (http://www.saltlakemini-z.com/forum/gallery/1/1_14_03_08_5_04_31_2.jpg) LeMans Bodies. (http://www.saltlakemini-z.com/forum/gallery/1/1_14_03_08_5_04_31_0.jpg) Title: Re: Restructuring rules to allow for the 2.4ghz mini-z Post by: Russ on March 14, 2008, 10:33:30 AM I think it would be fine to run them.
Title: Re: Restructuring rules to allow for the 2.4ghz mini-z Post by: Nic-z on March 14, 2008, 10:42:31 AM not only would it be fine to run them but nessary if we think forward to the furture of this hobby, 2.4 is where its headed if not further. by allowing others to stack theirs, and continuing to restricting the motor we use, there still will be a level of fairness on the track. Let face it even with a 2.4 I am still going to be right behind russ the whole time and swapin paint with ryan as he laps me so its all good.
Title: Re: Restructuring rules to allow for the 2.4ghz mini-z Post by: briankstan on March 14, 2008, 11:09:34 AM I know that the online rules will be allowing them starting in the July Races. the rules will probably be similar to the ones I've proposed above.
Title: Re: Restructuring rules to allow for the 2.4ghz mini-z Post by: briankstan on March 17, 2008, 04:49:04 PM I have 2 of the 2.4ghz cars ordered. ;D I'll bring them out to test when I receive them. on a side note, I also have 1 of each of the posche bodies coming for my ASC collection. 8) I can't wait until the Mazda bodies are available.
anyone else have any input on this. I want to keep the classes are fair as possible. I know some of you don't want/can't afford to upgrade at this time. We can seperate them into a different class if that's what you all would like to do, if that was the case, it would be a 2.4ghz, AD band class. as they run the same fet configuration. |