Title: American Mini-Z Championships Questionnaire Post by: arch2b on March 24, 2008, 06:01:59 PM This questionnaire was developed for the purpose of developing, planning and staging a premeire Mini-Z racing event. We would appreciate your time and effort in participating in this public polling.
Please answer the following questions in order and email your responses to the following address ("minizevents@gmail.com"). if you do not wish to email your responses, please post them as a reply. 1. How far would you travel to compete in a World Class event? 2. What if any personal requirements would you need to attend such an event? ie medical, physical. 3. Aside from recognition, what would you expect to receive for an award for winning or placing highly in such an event? 4. Is English a first or second language and would you be availabe to translate if needed? 5. Do you have any special skills, contacts or prizes that you could (or would) contribute to the event? 6. While at this event, would you be willing to compete in an additional event for charity with no personal award except for honor? 7. What type of layout, length, width, banking, true scale, off camber, multi level, crossover, etc, would be your dream track to compete on? 8.If you could choose, what time of year would you like for this event to be held? 9. What time of year would absolutely prohibit your availability to participate? 10. What would you expect to pay as an entry fee for this type of event? 11. How much extra would you pay for a 4 star awards banquet following the event? 12. As a requirement for participation, do you feel that all competitors should first take part in at least 1 regional event? Thank you :) edit: I highlighted the email Link. :) |