Title: SLC Mini-z team car Post by: Nic-z on April 07, 2008, 12:10:43 PM I am going to be building a 2.4 02 from the ground up and wanted to dedicate it to the SLC Mini-z club, more so as a theme. So I want all of your guys imput on what should be on it. I am looking for ideas on hop up parts, and body decals etc. So far I have just two things picked out. the body (Merci) and the Wheels (tagu special made, double wide rears and wide front with murci offsets, these took two months to get here lol) So now I need help on everything, I want to mkae this a collective thing, esp on the color scheme of the body and decals I want it to represent the coolness of the club, well maybe I shouldn't have choosen the merci then but hey its not to shabby of an ASC. So bring on the ideas guys.
Title: Re: SLC Mini-z team car Post by: briankstan on April 07, 2008, 03:01:03 PM well themed after the website would be red, black and dark grey.
Title: Re: SLC Mini-z team car Post by: Nic-z on April 07, 2008, 08:16:48 PM yeah thats a good color scheme