Title: Congratulations to Russ !! Post by: briankstan on April 25, 2008, 08:32:21 AM Russ, Congratulations on your inagural win. How does it feel to finally take a win?
Great racing last night everyone, It was a great time. Ryan, it was great to have you back, I hope you had a good time and hope to see you back. Title: Re: Congratulations to Russ !! Post by: Plane Insane RC on April 25, 2008, 09:31:10 AM Congrats Russ. Nic and I were talking on the way home about how well you were driving last night.
Thanks guys for putting up with me and my iwaver last night. Sorry I have to leave early every time. It was a lot of fun. I have several guys done here in Ut County that have these iwaver cars. One of these weeks I?ll get them to come up there and race with you guys. I think we will defiantly want to race like we did last night with different heats or maybe classes. Maybe start with all iwavers in one class with the faster time moving up. That will keep us slower guys out of the way. Title: Re: Congratulations to Russ !! Post by: Nic-z on April 25, 2008, 10:11:06 AM We could also hold races down in utah county for the iwavers and newbies to get them up to speed then bring them to the SLC track, since as it is already with all the other races we do, we usually get out around 11:30 if we added more heats or even all iwaivers class w/qulifiers etc. that would be a bit to much in one night mabye.
Title: Re: Congratulations to Russ !! Post by: Russ on April 26, 2008, 02:41:49 PM Russ, Congratulations on your inagural win. How does it feel to finally take a win? Awesome!!! Thank you very much!! (in best Elvis voice). Even though I know something was wrong with you and Chads cars, I'll take it. ;D Title: Re: Congratulations to Russ !! Post by: briankstan on April 27, 2008, 12:41:31 PM Quote Awesome!!! Thank you very much!! (in best Elvis voice). Even though I know something was wrong with you and Chads cars, I'll take it. ;D hey sometimes part of winning is just finishing the race. ;) it just means you were more prepared for the race. it's great that you have improved a lot to, don't discount that. 8) look out for chad, I know he is working on his setup as he called and asked me some questions :o |