Title: 2.4 AWD Post by: Nic-z on April 27, 2008, 09:33:44 PM Its been rather difficult to work from scratch on these AWD's at first I was bound and determined to make this car my primary racer, but given its proformance since day one I really was struggling to make that a reality, to make matters worse my mr-02 was smooth quite and just plain sweet. So this weekend I was at the point of where russ was with his F1 before Brian helped out and fixed it....I was ready to chuck it at the wall or sell it and just go with 02 like everyone else. However I did one last overhall on the thing. What it was doing is wabbling all over the track, when I put the hammer down. I read up on this before tried all the stuff just didn't work, in addition it would come back to center all the way causing it to trail left or right depening on what coner I was commin out of. So two things that solved the problem, 1st dremeled out the severo cover, (fixed centering problem) and second was tighen up the diff and wheels, the looseness of the two caused some crazy un predictabe tracking. Fixed that. Then I did the f1 chassis tweak fix, shimmed up the wheels and that helped keep all four down under massive accelertaion. The result? A very very sweet ride. Much like I dreamed since day one. Now my front tires are folding due to the crazy fast and tight turns I have been able to pull now that it drives so well! can't complain about it now. Hopefully now I can stick with practicing on one car, and get better, last weeks races weren't the best for me, oh that and i will be sportin a differ 02 body for my 02 and not break Brians any more lol. all I have to do is find one.
Title: Re: 2.4 AWD Post by: Russ on April 28, 2008, 08:44:15 AM Thats cool you got it working good.
Title: Re: 2.4 AWD Post by: Nic-z on April 28, 2008, 09:45:26 AM Lets just say its alot more difficult going solo on a car no one else races lol. But mzr has been a good source as well as trial and error, I have some fine tunning left to do that comes with a lot of time the track but the major issues are solved and runs like a champ.