Title: Timing Troubles Post by: briankstan on June 01, 2008, 08:37:57 PM Well as most of you know we were having some troubles with the timing system, or the laptop.
I have formatted and reloaded my laptop. so our troubles should be over with. :D Title: Re: Timing Troubles Post by: Nic-z on June 01, 2008, 09:35:18 PM while on the subject two questions about timming, 1st did you try (I am sure others have) to scan the dnano? and how close are they to completeing the new software for the core?
Title: Re: Timing Troubles Post by: briankstan on June 01, 2008, 11:07:08 PM I didn't even try. duh. with all the other issues I was having I completely spaced it.
We'll give it a try next time you have it. I talked with Jeremy (the guy developing the software) he said it's coming along, but it's still not ready for the alpha release. it should be soon. No promises on if it will scan the dnano but I'm hopeful. Title: Re: Timing Troubles Post by: Nic-z on June 02, 2008, 08:01:49 AM Yes I am hopefull as well since I will have two by today, I really enjoy driving these little suckers its quite nice since I made some custom lipos for the dnano they only cost me 12 dollars each and have a run time of 1hr which beats the snot out of the 130mah and since these are 230mAh there more punchy. Can't wait till they come out in the US so we can get a heat going for them.
Title: Re: Timing Troubles Post by: briankstan on September 05, 2008, 05:14:48 PM well after last race, I still don't know what is going on with the timing. I still think it has to do with the power in my laptop.
anyone else have a laptop that is running windows XP? or maybe an old computer that we can dedicate as a race computer? it couldn't hurt to try. let me know what you have. Title: Re: Timing Troubles Post by: Ryan on September 07, 2008, 08:11:44 PM Our family has an old laptop that we really don't use but it is currently running on windows ME. I can't find the XP setup disk. Normally this laptop did run on XP but It needed to be "reset" and the configurator cd took it back to windows ME and, Just so you know it's a pretty weak laptop. :-\
it couldn't hurt to try. Title: Re: Timing Troubles Post by: briankstan on September 09, 2008, 12:57:54 PM another think we can try is a powered USB station, instead of just having it draw on the laptop for power. Anyone have one?
Title: Re: Timing Troubles Post by: briankstan on September 11, 2008, 10:54:31 PM Since we didn't have any timing issues today, maybe we should try and setup the timer where it was tonight and see if that solved the random missed laps, the problem is I don't know if it is the laptop as I can't get it to do it here at the house, every time I practice it works flawlessly. Go figure. :frusty:
Title: Re: Timing Troubles Post by: briankstan on December 29, 2008, 11:03:14 AM I've purchased some ram for my laptop. it will be running 2gb at the next race. I'll also be getting a new battery so hopefully this should solve all our problems with the timing system and random missed laps.
I know that we first started having the timing trouble when my battery started to crap out and not hold a charge, this is also when my laptop became very sluggish so to speak. Keep you fingers crossed. :flex: |