Title: I have a dream Post by: Nic-z on July 20, 2008, 10:17:43 AM I have a dream where there is a race where all rules are put to the side and men can race whatever they bring where all hell breaks loos as well as cars! Lol okay more like proposing just one race where we bring little spare mini-z with crazy motors or custom made spearing rods or catapults, no rules just no scales bigger than a Z and no frequency jammin the rest is all gravy baby! Just a thought what do you guys think, give us like two months to prepare for it and just one quick race one night? I invision a super fast shovel......wait nevermind Brian already has one of those.
Title: Re: I have a dream Post by: Ryan on July 26, 2008, 05:05:58 PM Hey Nic are you saying something like demolition derby? I might use my 01 but not my new overland. but it would be really cool to watch people break their cars ;)
Title: Re: I have a dream Post by: Nic-z on July 28, 2008, 09:06:56 AM Yeah I mean any car remotely the same size as a Z is fine, I think I am going to try and get a bunch of firelaps so everyone can have a junker then rig them up with all sorts of stuff keep it on the slick cement like the demo derbies so no one gets really big hits.