Title: Racing 10-9-2008 Post by: briankstan on October 06, 2008, 11:53:59 AM Ryan, just checking to see if we are good for racing this week at the warehouse? let me know so if we have to make other plans we have time.
thanks. Title: Re: Racing 10-9-2008 Post by: Ryan on October 07, 2008, 07:11:03 AM We should be able to race in the warehouse, but if anything happens Ill notify you.
Title: Re: Racing 10-9-2008 Post by: Nic-z on October 07, 2008, 12:42:12 PM I'm COMMING! yeee HAAA
Title: Re: Racing 10-9-2008 Post by: briankstan on October 10, 2008, 09:14:59 AM Great time last night, Nic Glad you were able to finally make it out again. I hope the TX setting helped with your 2.4 cars. it was alot better for me for sure.
it's great that we are now feilding 6 F1, it makes for some fun & exciting racing. Here is a drawing of the track we ran for reference. I though it was a great track, had a nice flow and was fast. it might be one we will have to run again. (http://www.saltlakemini-z.com/forum/gallery/1/thumb_1_10_10_08_9_15_45_0.jpg) (http://www.saltlakemini-z.com/forum/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=1811) Title: Re: Racing 10-9-2008 Post by: Nic-z on October 13, 2008, 03:01:42 PM had a blast the other night, even though my driving didn't change (to be expected) and my steering got all crapped out in that crash, but the settings work great for a consistant reverse, but for some reason I feel that I hit it the first time w/o it so for now I am taking my chances lol, but I am sure I will be back.