Salt Lake Mini-Z Club Forum

Club Related Activities (Public) => General Discussion => Topic started by: briankstan on October 06, 2008, 12:31:11 PM

Title: 2.4ghz board reverse setting for your Ko Propo EX10 Helios
Post by: briankstan on October 06, 2008, 12:31:11 PM
Well after getting some help from a member on MZR. Thanks Hood.

It looks like I now have (and know how to use) the reverse setting that will work for the 2.4 boards.   Basically what it does is sets the ABS on the controller so you HOLD the reverse and the controller will wait for the correct amount of time an then kick the car into reverse.  this will eliminate the need to wait again if you miss it.   These are the settings that I use for all my 2.4 cars now.   It hits reverse every time.  :D

if any of you need help in how this works or adjusting it to your car, let me know and I'll help you out.   (when you do go 2.4ghz  :frusty: )

ET1 ST trim R3
ET2 TH trim 0
ET3 Brake 100
ET4 Travel 65
ET5 Off

St L or R  (zero out the trim and use the subtrim to center the wheels) fine tune with trim.
Th F30

Width 60
Pos B20
Cycle 40
Delay 25
Duty Normal Centered

Th Speed
Speed 100
Mode 1way

F 0
B 0

F 0
B 0

Th: Brake 50
Th:Highpoint 40 (adjust making sure you have full throttle)

Th: Preset (don't need to change if you don't want to)
ET1 Steering Trim
ET2 Th Trim
ET3 Brake
ET4 Travel
ET5 Off

Width 0
Pos Low 5
Pos High 50
Cycle 97

Speed   Turn 60
Return 100
Mode 1way

ST:Punch 0
ST: Curve -20 (this slows down your reaction time, adjust to your liking).


ST:Travel 60 (lower # will mean you have to turn you wheel more, Higher # you wil have to turn wheel less).
Auto:Start Off
ST Normal
TH Normal

Trim Rate
ST 10

Title: Re: 2.4ghz board reverse setting for your Ko Propo EX10 Helios
Post by: Nic-z on October 07, 2008, 12:43:36 PM
this is going to help a bunch...I'll bring mine to the race so you can help me Brian thanks

Title: Re: 2.4ghz board reverse setting for your Ko Propo EX10 Helios
Post by: briankstan on October 07, 2008, 01:01:07 PM
this is going to help a bunch...I'll bring mine to the race so you can help me Brian thanks

did you get your 2.4ghm module for the helios?

Title: Re: 2.4ghz board reverse setting for your Ko Propo EX10 Helios
Post by: Nic-z on October 08, 2008, 07:07:21 AM
indeed I did, it took forever but I got it for 69 free shipping brand new,

Title: Re: 2.4ghz board reverse setting for your Ko Propo EX10 Helios
Post by: briankstan on October 08, 2008, 10:34:20 AM
cool,  I'll go over these setting with you at the race.   why don't you program them into one of your memory settings so it will save us some time.

Title: Re: 2.4ghz board reverse setting for your Ko Propo EX10 Helios
Post by: Nic-z on October 09, 2008, 09:52:27 AM
ok will do

Title: Re: 2.4ghz board reverse setting for your Ko Propo EX10 Helios
Post by: Russ on April 01, 2009, 05:07:42 PM
OK I got my board in my MR-02 and set my radio almost exactly as above. The difference on mine is I use ET4 for steering trim and not travel. You show throttle trim on on ET2. I cant find "Th-Trim" anywhere in my radio other than sub-trim area. Is it somewhere else?

Problem I have is it goes forward but not reverse. I'm sure its a setting thing but I cant find it.