Title: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on December 15, 2008, 02:33:52 PM I have been contacted by Shannon, He and his club attended our PN Racing Regional we hosted here in Salt Lake a few years ago, some of you will remember him, some of the newer guys won't. There is a possibility that they will be hosting a Trophy race in conjunction with a Winter Carnival in late January or early February.
it's not that far of a drive to make, especially if a few of us make the trip, it could be alot of fun. Let me know if you are interested in going and I'll get some details from him. thanks. Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Late Jan/early Feb 2009) Post by: Russ on December 17, 2008, 08:35:50 AM Count me in if I still have a job and am not working out of town. Lets hear the details.
Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Late Jan/early Feb 2009) Post by: briankstan on December 17, 2008, 03:24:26 PM I just received this in an email from Shannon. so we are looking at Saturday February 7th. it's a good date for me. the race would be in Wyoming and it looks like some guys from a club in Colorado would be participating as well. I'll keep you updated as I get more information.
Quote from: Shannon Watts Hi Guys, Does February 7th sound like a good day for our winter Mini-Z trophy race in conjunction with the Winter Carnival? This should be the last day of the Winter Carnival. If we get enough interest, we could make this a two day event. One of the Casinos or a Main Street business may host the races. I've made the contacts and they are interested. The Wind River Casino is sponsoring the race so I should be able to get some nice trophies. Take a look at your calendars and let me know if this date works. We need to get this on the Winter Carnival schedule before the end of the week. Thanks, Shannon Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Late Jan/early Feb 2009) Post by: Russ on December 18, 2008, 09:19:15 AM Can we make this trip in one day up and back? My B-day is the 9th and getting away for more than a day would be tricky.
Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Late Jan/early Feb 2009) Post by: briankstan on December 18, 2008, 09:54:05 AM it would be a long day, but I don't see why not. maybe leave on friday night and drive home right after the races.
Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Late Jan/early Feb 2009) Post by: briankstan on December 31, 2008, 08:39:05 AM update on this race, also according to Google, it's 330 mile, and about a 6 hour drive. The race will be in a casino and should be a great location.
Quote from: shannon The race is scheduled for February 7th at the Wind River Casino, one mile South of Riverton. Kids are welcome in the casino but will need to be escorted by an adult to the restrooms and restaurant. The race will be held in the Special Events room away from the gaming areas. This will be a great location! We will be able to use the stage as a drivers stand and have plenty of room for spectators and pits. I should have the entry forms ready this week. I'm also working on discount room rates. They will be included on the entry forms. Map ( Google Maps (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=wind+river+casino,+riverton,+wyoming,+82501&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=30.682067,55.546875&ie=UTF8&ll=43.253205,-108.245544&spn=0.832176,1.73584&z=9&iwloc=A) ) Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on January 01, 2009, 11:27:32 AM More updates on this race. Shannon was able to get a block of rooms reserved. we won't want to wait to long to book them because all the other hotels in the area are full because of the winter canival that is going on.
Chad, Luke is this still a possibility that you will be going? We can all drive down together, so it shouldn't be to expensive. Quote from: Shannon Last year the first class was $5 and each additional class was $1. I need to check on our budget to see if the prices are going up. I hope to keep it low. Quote from: Shannon Good news! I just reserved a block of rooms at the newly remodeled Rodeway Inn & Suites at 611 West Main St. The phone number is 307-856-2900. The confirmation number is 1220. I got the price down to $99. I'll have the forms ready soon. Let me know if you have any more questions. Happy New Year! My estimate on Costs: Room : $50ea. based on sharing a room ($99) Gas : $15 ea. Based on splitting 4 ways (Brian, Russ, Luke, Chad) Entry Fee: $15 (shouldn't be more than this). Food: $15-20 (we can eat cheap). so we are looking at about $100 each. we will leave on Friday night and come home saturday night after the race. Lets get the plans nailed down and get the rooms booked as soon as possible. :D Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: Wyo-Mini-Z on January 06, 2009, 08:41:23 AM The entry form is finally ready. Click on the following link. http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/minizevents/09winterrace/mini-zraceform2009.pdf (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/minizevents/09winterrace/mini-zraceform2009.pdf)
We also added 18th scale! It's really tight for these cars but it should make for some great racing. Rooms are very hard to find thanks to the oil and gas boom in our area. We reserved a block of rooms at the newly remodeled RodeWay Inn (307-856-2900 Con.# 1220). We will do our best to find rooms for everyone. We have volunteers to put racers up in homes if needed. The entry form should be clear but if you have questions, feel free to ask. Thanks, Shannon Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on January 06, 2009, 08:46:50 AM shannon, thanks for posting the info here, I also sent if via email to those that were interested in coming.
your flier says no Fet upgrades, where does that leave the 2.4 cars? I have upgraded all of mine to 2.4ghz. Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: Wyo-Mini-Z on January 07, 2009, 11:12:11 AM Brian,
2.4 cars are fine. Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on January 07, 2009, 11:54:43 AM thanks for the update Shannon.
Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on January 12, 2009, 09:40:49 AM Here is the latest update.
I have had 2 of the rooms that were reserved moved to us, 1 is under my name, and the other is under Chad’s name. The plan is to Leave Friday afternoon, the drive is 6 hours assuming the weather is good, so I'd like to leave as soon as possible. Cygen is in School and until 3:15pm. I can probably pick him up a little early if needed. Preliminary Itinerary: Friday (2/6/09) Leave 3:30-4:00pm <-- Can you all make that? If not let me know when you can leave. Arrive, check into hotel. (Around 10 depending on when we leave). Saturday (2/7/0) 8:00am - Eat Breakfast 9:00-9:30am - Arrive at Track 10:00am – Registration 11:00am - ?? Race all day :D We will leave after the race is done, it will probably be late so be prepared for a long drive home. We may need to share driving duties depending on what time we leave. Most importantly we need to have fun !! Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: CLODGUY on January 13, 2009, 07:32:17 AM Are we all going to meet at your house,, is there enough room to leave our 1:1 cars
Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on January 13, 2009, 07:49:36 AM Are we all going to meet at your house,, is there enough room to leave our 1:1 cars Yea, lets just plan on meeting at my house. there is plenty of room to leave you cars parked in the driveway. Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on January 13, 2009, 08:16:21 AM Do you guys know what classes you are planning on running?
I'll be running classes. Mini-Z Stock Mini-Z F1 Stock Mini-Z Pan Modified Cygen will run in: Mini-Z Stock Mini-Z Kyosho Stock and Maybe Mini-Z F1 Shannon said the the Mini-Z Kyosho Stock is more of the class for the kids to run... More like a Crash Derby ! :eek: Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: CLODGUY on January 13, 2009, 08:25:01 AM What motors do we have to use for stock mini z and stock f-1
Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on January 13, 2009, 08:38:40 AM What motors do we have to use for stock mini z and stock f-1 they are not doing handout motors, Shannon said you can use whatever motor you like. I'll probably stick with the HFAY motor in both of those classes. if the track allows I may use the HFAY season 5 Atomic motor for a little more speed if needed. Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: Russ on January 13, 2009, 06:43:07 PM Are you sure? I thought you said that stock meant box stock. If it doesnt matter what motor is used how is that stock? Or is it stock boards?
I dont have any Mini-z that is box stock. But all my circuit boards are stock. Is there any posted rules for the classes and race anywhere? Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on January 13, 2009, 10:25:32 PM Quote from: shannon Brian, > >The Kyosho Stock motor is the only requirement for the Stock Kyosho >class, other upgrades like bearings are fine. This is the class that >the kids and new drivers race in, usually it's more of a demo derby >than a race. Quote from: shannon 2.4 cars are fine. We allow any motor. I believe most of us are > >running old PN motors. that about sums it up... :) there isn't any real posted rules that I'm aware of. I if you have a specific question just let me know and I'll ask away. for the most part the classes that align with what we run would be Stock Mini-Z, Stock F1. your current HFAY car would be pretty competitive with there speed 05's. I'd bring a few motors to see what one you like best on the particular track layout and grip levels. Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: CLODGUY on January 14, 2009, 10:26:16 PM Hey Brian,,, do you know how close the motel is to the casino,,, I have a hard time sleeping on a full wallet..
Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on January 14, 2009, 10:33:04 PM Hey Brian,,, do you know how close the motel is to the casino,,, I have a hard time sleeping on a full wallet.. I can fix that, just give the money to me. :D Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: Chad on January 15, 2009, 12:18:14 PM Hey brian, you might want to check to make sure that the rooms are right. I called and talked to some dude whos english wasnt very good. so you may want to double check the rooms.
Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on January 15, 2009, 12:20:32 PM Hey brian, you might want to check to make sure that the rooms are right. I called and talked to some dude whos english wasnt very good. so you may want to double check the rooms. I talked to the same guy, I'll call an verify them.... thanks Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on January 19, 2009, 03:04:12 PM I did call and confirm our rooms. We have 2 rooms booked for the night of Feb 6th with 2 queen beds in each room. We are good to go. :)
Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: branhap on January 26, 2009, 05:01:41 PM Casino is about 3 miles from the hotel.
:) You'll drive by it on your way into town. I like to get my butt kicked, so good to see that you guys are making the trip up here! And yeah, I'll get my butt kicked, cuz all I've been racing recently are 1/12ths and 1/18th on road. Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on January 26, 2009, 05:05:23 PM Casino is about 3 miles from the hotel. :) You'll drive by it on your way into town. I like to get my butt kicked, so good to see that you guys are making the trip up here! And yeah, I'll get my butt kicked, cuz all I've been racing recently are 1/12ths and 1/18th on road. we'll we hope a little payback is in order, since you guys kicked ours when you attended the PN Regional we hosted. It'll be nice to see and race with you guys again. Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on January 29, 2009, 11:40:07 AM can you guys give my your plans on when you'll be at my house so we can leave on friday?
I'm thinking we will want to be on the road by 4pm if possible. What is your work schedule like on friday the 6th? Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: Chad on January 29, 2009, 01:34:53 PM I am off on fridays so we can leave whenever. Are you sure you want us to meet at your house or do you want to pick us up so you dont have a ton of cars in your drive way for the weekend
Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on January 29, 2009, 01:40:54 PM I am off on fridays so we can leave whenever. Are you sure you want us to meet at your house or do you want to pick us up so you dont have a ton of cars in your drive way for the weekend I think it will save us some time to meet at one place. Cygen is in school until 3:15. I get off at noon on Fridays, so I'd like to meet at my house and leave right after he and shuman get home. a few extra cars in the driveway won't be a problem. it's plenty big. Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: Chad on January 31, 2009, 10:08:17 AM Brian..... 2 things.... 1 cygen doesnt have a short day? I thought fridays were short days. 2. Keep an eye on the weather, I was watching fox 13 weather and they have storms on friday. It might be a stormy drive up there. :D
Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on January 31, 2009, 10:11:57 AM Brian..... 2 things.... 1 cygen doesnt have a short day? I thought fridays were short days. 2. Keep an eye on the weather, I was watching fox 13 weather and they have storms on friday. It might be a stormy drive up there. :D he is in private school, so no early Friday's. I can pick him up early if the weather is going to be bad. This will allow us more time for the drive if we need it. Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: Chad on February 02, 2009, 03:54:36 PM Just to keep everyone informed. The weather is saying rain/snow friday into saturday, clearing up sunday. so we might have to leave earlier than expected. :censored:
Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on February 02, 2009, 04:05:09 PM I check the weather (online) and it said rain showers on friday, and I checked the weather for Riverton, WY and it looks clear on both friday and saturday. it looks like we will be driving away from the storm. Hopefully.
Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: Russ on February 03, 2009, 07:54:13 AM so we might have to leave earlier than expected. :censored: The earlier the better IMO. Pull Cygen early Brian ;) Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: branhap on February 03, 2009, 09:55:35 AM Regarding weather. My wife is a meteorologist for the National Weather Service here in Riverton. She's currently off work, goes in Thursday night. I've asked her to keep me up to date on the weather and give me an update Thursday night. I'll definitely try and get you that information on here as soon as possible, Thursday & Friday.
I also recommend you check out, Wyoming Department of Transportation Travel Information Service (http://www.wyoroad.info) for road conditions. They have web cams for Evanston, Green River, Rock Springs, and South Pass. All the main areas with weather potential on your trip over. Currently South Pass is at 50% and will be a rain/snow mix possibly, but how heavy is hard to say right now. Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on February 03, 2009, 10:17:01 AM Thanks for the update Paul. I'll keep an eye on those links and will look for any updates you post.
Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on February 04, 2009, 03:35:01 PM Don't forget we are meeting tomorrow for our test and tune session. we will be running some races as well. it'll just be a fun night. track will be open from 6-9:30pm.
well will also finalize plans for when we will be leaving on Friday to head to Riverton for the race. Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: branhap on February 05, 2009, 08:05:05 PM Weather looks like light snow, but a bit windy tomorrow. (Less than an inch of accumulation.)
Be safe going over the mountain passes! Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on February 05, 2009, 09:52:34 PM Weather looks like light snow, but a bit windy tomorrow. (Less than an inch of accumulation.) Be safe going over the mountain passes! Thanks Paul, We decided to leave earlier so we will be driving in the light. We are going to be leaving around 12:30. Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: CLODGUY on February 08, 2009, 01:59:36 AM Well we're back,,, battered , bruised and scarred.. Had an awesome day of racing
Congrats. to Brian for his awesome win in the pancar class, also his first place in mini z stock. Congrats to chad for his second place in mini z stock. Congrats to cygen for his second place in the box stock class I managed a decent first place in the pancar B-main,, not bad for first time in the class. Thats a total of four trophies for the salt lake guys :flex: They even had the local news out doing a report on the races,, several of the racers (including myself) were interviewed about the hobby . All and all it was a great time, and we cant wait to go again Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: branhap on February 08, 2009, 09:36:28 AM Hey guys, no results yet. But photos can be found at Ice Melter 2009 (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/photogallery/2009IceMelter/index.html)
Thanks for coming down guys. It was definitely fun. Paul ** Removed email so you don't get spammed ** -Brian Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on February 08, 2009, 10:50:42 AM Hey guys, no results yet. But photos can be found at Ice Melter 2009 (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/photogallery/2009IceMelter/index.html) Thanks for coming down guys. It was definitely fun. Paul Result were sent, let me know if you anything else. Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on February 08, 2009, 11:29:12 AM We all had a great time, it was a big hit with everyone. We will be planning a return trip for next years event.
Cygen had a great time and really enjoyed racing with everyone. He asked my wife this morning if we could go and do it again next week. :D He enjoyed hanging out with Sean and of course playing the DS. it was great for him to race with some kids that were closer to his age. For Me is was a great time and I was surprised with the result that I got. I've seen a big improvement in the last year, and it sure translated into these races. I especially enjoyed the Modified pan car class, My car was hooking up and I had speed to spare. My MR-02 was hooking up well and was nice and smooth to drive. F1 on the other hand was giving me some trouble and I just didn't have the time to adjust for it, so I just had to deal with what it was, it wasn't bad, but wasn't great either. Luke had a great showing with his pan car winning the B Main,and Russ managed to squeek into the A main over Luke by a very small margin (less than half a second). Chad was also have some grip issues with his F1 but managed to make the A main. There was some really tight racing all the way down the board. Top 3 (Shannon, Paul, and Myself) in pan car qualified within 2.39 seconds of each other. (I managed to grab TQ with 28 laps in 5:01.33). MR-02 stock the top 3 (Nic, Paul and Myself) all qualified within 5.13 seconds. (Nic managed to grab TQ with 28 laps in 5:03.34). In F1 Nic managed the top spot with 2 laps to spare with 29 laps in 5:06.45, followed by Shannon and Sam. Kyosho Stock was a great class. Sean TQ'ed the class followed by Cygen and Caleb. it was some great racing for the stock Kyosho class. Sean Manged the win with a hard charging Cygen gaining ground at the end but still came up 1 lap short. Congrats to Sean. (Cygen had alot of fun hanging out with you for the day). Nascar was all Sam, he TQ'ed, and came away with the first place trophy. His car was dialed in. I don't think I've seen a Nascar Mini-Z handle that good. Nice driving as well. Sean came in Second and Brad in 3rd. Special thanks to Julie for running the event and being Race Director and Commentator. You did a excelled job with calling the race, keeping the Audience informed and it was a pleasure to help where I could. Thanks to Shannon, Paul and Julie for setting up such a great event. We will surely plan on making the next one. Keep us informed on on dates and we get it on our schedule. Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on February 08, 2009, 03:55:24 PM trophy Presentations from the Race..
Quote from: branhap Trophies were handed out by the Wild West Winter Carnival 2008 King & Queen. Stock mini-z (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/photogallery/2009IceMelter/slides/IMG_5763.JPG) 3rd Place - Nic Watts (Riverton, WY) (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/photogallery/2009IceMelter/slides/IMG_5764.JPG) 2nd Place - Chad (Salt Lake City, UT) (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/photogallery/2009IceMelter/slides/IMG_5765.JPG) 1st Place - Brian (Salt Lake City, UT) Mini-z F1 (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/photogallery/2009IceMelter/slides/IMG_5766.JPG) 3rd Place - Sam (Pueblo, Colorado) (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/photogallery/2009IceMelter/slides/IMG_5767.JPG) 2nd Place - Shannon Watts (Riverton, WY) (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/photogallery/2009IceMelter/slides/IMG_5769.JPG) 1st Place - Nic Watts (Riverton, WY) Mini-z Pan Car (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/photogallery/2009IceMelter/slides/IMG_5770.JPG) 3rd Place - Shannon Watts (Riverton, WY) (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/photogallery/2009IceMelter/slides/IMG_5771.JPG) 2nd Place - Paul Branham (Riverton, WY) (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/photogallery/2009IceMelter/slides/IMG_5772.JPG) 1st Place - Brian (Salt Lake City, UT) NASCAR Mini-z (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/photogallery/2009IceMelter/slides/IMG_5773.JPG) 3rd Place - Brad Morton (Riverton, WY) (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/photogallery/2009IceMelter/slides/IMG_5774.JPG) 2nd Place - Sean Watts (Riverton, WY) (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/photogallery/2009IceMelter/slides/IMG_5775.JPG) 1st Place - Sam (Pueblo, CO) Kyosho Stock Mini-z (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/photogallery/2009IceMelter/slides/IMG_5776.JPG) 3rd Place - Caleb (Riverton, WY) (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/photogallery/2009IceMelter/slides/IMG_5777.JPG) 2nd Place - Cygen (Salt Lake City, UT) (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/photogallery/2009IceMelter/slides/IMG_5778.JPG) 1st Place - Sean Watts (Riverton, WY) Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: branhap on February 08, 2009, 07:48:15 PM Race Results are posted at the Wyoming Modelers Park Site (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/Racing/Miniz/IceMelter2009/index.htm).
Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on February 09, 2009, 06:15:22 AM Race Results are posted at the Wyoming Modelers Park Site (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/Racing/Miniz/IceMelter2009/index.htm). thanks for posting this here.. :) Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on February 09, 2009, 06:59:43 AM Quote from: branhap Photo Gallery Ice Melter 2009 (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/photogallery/2009IceMelter/index.html) Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: Wyo-Mini-Z on February 09, 2009, 09:27:35 AM The following link is the story K2TV ran Saturday night. http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/minizevents/09winterrace/K2TV.wmv (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/minizevents/09winterrace/K2TV.wmv)
The story that aired had the names, age and residence of the drivers across the bottom of the screen. Special thanks to Neema Vedadi of K2TV. Great Job! Thanks to everyone that helped and raced! We would not have succeeded without Brian's help. Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: Ryan on February 09, 2009, 05:07:01 PM Wow Luke, the camera loves you! :D
Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: CLODGUY on February 10, 2009, 08:17:07 AM Thanks,,, you can get my autograph at the next race for only $19.99
Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: briankstan on February 16, 2009, 10:52:52 AM Finally the write up from the trip. Enjoy. :flex:
Our trip to Wyoming to Race at the Wild West Winder Carnival was a great trip and yielded some great results for Salt Lake Mini-Z Members. First we all met at my house and left for our drive to Wyoming. We planned on leaving later but a storm was planned and we wanted to get on the road as soon as possible on Friday. We loaded all our gear in the van and set off. The drive although long (5+ hours) went by fairly quick and really without incident. We hit a small storm on the back side a south pass but it wasn’t slippery. We arrived in Riverton and checked in to the hotel. Then off to dinner. Chad, Luke and Russ decided to go check out the casino, since I had Cygen with me we just decided to hang out in the hotel for a little R&R. We planned to arrive at the track at around 9 the next morning. The race was being held in conjunction with the Winter Carnival which is an annual event in Riverton, the Race was being held at the Wind River Casino on the outskirts of Riverton, Wyoming. The race was being held in one of the rooms’ right of the main casino floor. Inside the room was plenty of room for all the Racer and chairs were even set up for spectators. We arrived after most of the people were already there. The turn out was pretty good, with the locals their, along with some racers from Pueblo, Colorado and the 5 in our group from Salt Lake. I believe there were right around 17 racers participating in the 5 classes that were run. We were just getting the classes’ setup and entered in to the timing system when we were having some issues with tags not scanning. After some testing and some trial and error. It turned out to be some electrical interference from the casino floor. In order to fix the problem we had to move the timing system and the all the AV equipment to the opposite end of the track. Once we had everything moved and up and running & the racers entered we began with the qualifying heats. The Racing was tight and very close between lots of racers. Qualifying Races were 5 minutes long, and the Mains were 8 Minutes. MR-02 Stock Mini-Z the final qualifying positions: MR-02 Stock Qualifying Results (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/Racing/Miniz/IceMelter2009/StockQualifying.html) Nic got the TQ spot for MR-02 Stock Mini-Z followed closely behind by myself and Paul on the same lap, Chad Qualified 4th. Russ Missed making the “A” Main by one position. On to the Mains, though starting second I didn’t have a real good start and dropped to 4th after the first lap, then I started to work my way to the front and by lap 5 I was in the lead and maintained it for the remainder of the race. Nic had the faster car and was pulling off some really quick laps, he suffered from a few inconsistencies and it didn’t help him move up. Chad had a good start moving up to 2nd, but then quickly dropped back all the way to 5th. Chad had a consistent drive and his steady pace eventually moved him into 2nd place where he finished. Nic and Paul were both in contention for 3rd, Nic manage to take 3rd on his second to last lap. Russ and Luke made the “B” Main and finished 3rd and 4th respectively. Cygen was in the “C” Main and finished 2nd. MR-02 A Main (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/Racing/Miniz/IceMelter2009/StockAMain.html) MR-02 B Main (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/Racing/Miniz/IceMelter2009/StockBMain.html) MR-02 C Main (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/Racing/Miniz/IceMelter2009/StockCMain.html) F1 Mini-Z Qualifying Positions:F1 Mini-Z Qualifying (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/Racing/Miniz/IceMelter2009/F1Qualifying.html) Nic was very dominate in F1, he TQ’ed by 2 laps over the competition. Followed by Shannon, and Sam. Myself and Chad qualified 5th and 6th respectively, and finished the main in the same positions. Russ and Luke placed 1st and 2nd in the “B” Main and Cygen came in 4th. F1 A Main (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/Racing/Miniz/IceMelter2009/F1AMain.html) F1 B Main (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/Racing/Miniz/IceMelter2009/F1BMain.html) Kyosho Stock Mini-Z Qualifying Positions: Kyosho Stock Mini-Z (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/Racing/Miniz/IceMelter2009/KyoshoStockQualifying.html) Only member of Salt Lake Mini-Z competing in this class way Cygen. This was essentially the beginners class. Cygen Qualified 2nd behind Sean. Cygen got behind early and I think just was just to excited, he overshot his corners early on, but managed to calm down and start gaining on the leader, a few more laps and he probably would have caught him. Cygen finished 2nd to bring home his first competitive trophy. (yes, I’m a proud dad :D ). Kyosho Stock A Main (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/Racing/Miniz/IceMelter2009/KyoshoStockAMain.html) The Last Class of the Event was Modified Pan Car. This was a closely contested race. Qualifying was really tight. I managed to TQ for the class, but is was very tight. Myself, Paul and Shannon all finished with 28 laps, and all within 2.39 seconds of each other. I managed the fastest lap of the weekend in my second quallifing session with a 9.09 second lap. Russ also made the “A” Main by .49 seconds over Luke. Modified Pan Car Qualifying (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/Racing/Miniz/IceMelter2009/PanQualifying.html) In the “B” main it was all Luke. He dropped to 2nd on the first lap, but regained the lead before the second lap was finished. He was off and finished 1 lap up on the rest of the competition. Great Run with his Pan Car. In the “A” Main I started TQ and lead from the very start, it was a great result with my first competition competing with my Pan Car, It was hooking up great and had more speed that I could use, even with the 40+ foot straight. I managed to finish the race with a 2 lap lead over the closest racer with 48 laps, the highest of any class for the weekend. Paul finished 2nd, followed by Shannon for 3rd and the final trophy. Russ put in a great showing with his first race with his Pan Chassis (We built it on Thursday night before we left). Russ finished 4th with a respectable 36 laps. This class was really fun to race in an watch. It’s amazing how fast these little cars can go. Modified Pan A Main (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/Racing/Miniz/IceMelter2009/PanAMain.html) Modified Pan B Main (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/Racing/Miniz/IceMelter2009/PanBMain.html) This was a great trip to go on, Wyoming RC (http://www.wyomingrc.com) hosted a fantastic event, great prizes, event better people. This trip was a great success for our club bringing home 2 First Place, and 2 Second Place Trophies, but above that was the fun that was had by all that went and participated. Every one should plan on making this trip and annual event. I’m in for sure next year. Special thanks to Shannon & Julie Watts for hosting and putting on this great event. I know how much work goes into hosting an event, you did an excellent job. Pictures of the event can be seen here Ice Melter Photo Gallery (http://www.wyomingmodelerspark.com/photogallery/2009IceMelter/index.html) And the Trophy Presentation pictures can be seen here: Ice Melter Trophy Presentation (http://www.wyomingrc.com/FORUM/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=308) Title: Re: Mini-Z Road Trip (Feb 7th, 2009) Post by: branhap on February 17, 2009, 11:57:35 AM You can download the images in a zip file at Index of /images/rcstuff (http://www.paulnkaty.com/images/rcstuff)
Thanks, Paul |