Title: RCP track for HFAY Post by: briankstan on March 25, 2009, 03:30:46 PM Well after last weeks race and the total lack of traction on the track in the warehouse. I've decided to bring the track that i have at home to use for the the next race.
I'll make sure and give a spray with water the day before so it will have as much grip as possible. I can't beleive the different, 15 laps from my best time at home to my best time in the warehouse. Title: Re: RCP track for HFAY Post by: Russ on March 25, 2009, 04:04:12 PM If we are transporting track anyway we could set up at my old work (2700 So 4th W). Its a bigger floor space. But for the monster trucks theres not much traction on painted concrete. But the offers out there just in case.
Title: Re: RCP track for HFAY Post by: briankstan on March 25, 2009, 04:06:17 PM Russ, do you think we can do that for the race on the 9th? this is the one that Shannon will be here for. it would be nice to be able to setup a larger track to run on.
Title: Re: RCP track for HFAY Post by: briankstan on March 25, 2009, 07:14:01 PM russ, so you think there is room for the PNWC track in your place, I'd like to set this up on the 9th when Shannon is Here, if that is possible. here is the pic.
it's 12 tiles x 22 tiles. (19 ft x 35 ft.) if so I want to get the track from the warehouse and prep it a little, Kind of use this as a practice for RCX. (http://pnracing.us/pnwc2009/PNWC2009-reg.jpg) Title: Re: RCP track for HFAY Post by: Russ on March 26, 2009, 08:16:41 AM I will measure it today. I dont think its that big but maybe.
Title: Re: RCP track for HFAY Post by: Russ on March 26, 2009, 12:27:19 PM My shop at the biggest we can clear floor is 27'x24'.
Title: Re: RCP track for HFAY Post by: briankstan on March 26, 2009, 01:47:52 PM Ok, maybe we should still plan on this for the 9th. Cygen is on Spring break and we would stay later if needed. I'd really like to run as large of track as possible for this race.