Title: Assault on the Hill Post by: CLODGUY on April 06, 2009, 07:37:36 AM Friday the 10th , some of us are meeting at the hill at 2200 west 5400 south ( next to the Taylorsville fire dept) for some off-roading fun,, We will be running anything that can handle the dirt,, 18th ,10th ,8th , scale.
Borrow, beg, steal , take youre brothers ride and come out and play. We will be getting together about 5:00 and running till we are out of batterys, or fuel Hope to see ya there CLODGUY Title: Re: Assault on the Hill Post by: briankstan on April 06, 2009, 11:38:17 AM what time? I don't really have anything to run other than my mini giant, but I'd like to bring Cygen by to check out your rides.
Title: Re: Assault on the Hill Post by: CLODGUY on April 06, 2009, 04:39:21 PM We will be meeting about 5:00 pm on friday,, Ill bring something for Cygen to try
Title: Re: Assault on the Hill Post by: briankstan on April 06, 2009, 06:40:14 PM cool, thanks.
Title: Re: Assault on the Hill Post by: Russ on April 08, 2009, 09:24:16 AM I'm going to try and make it. I will also bring some hardware that you and Cygen can try.
Title: Re: Assault on the Hill Post by: briankstan on April 12, 2009, 10:01:49 AM I just wanted to say thanks to Luke and Russ for bringing out all their large scale toys for us to try. Cygen and I had a great time. Now he is asking me to get one.. THANKS !! :eek:
I guess I'll have to keep my eyes out for a good deal on one. :D Title: Re: Assault on the Hill Post by: CLODGUY on April 12, 2009, 10:18:24 PM Sorry.....
Title: Re: Assault on the Hill Post by: Russ on April 13, 2009, 06:11:18 AM I figured that was coming. It usually does. Its kind of addicting.... this RC type stuff. :laugh: