Title: Assault on the hill ?!?!?! Post by: CLODGUY on June 29, 2009, 07:12:43 AM Well ,,I was just getting ready to announce "Assault on the hill 2" when I noticed that the fine city of Taylorsville has leveled our hill.. :censored:
If any-one knows of a cool place to run,, Im open for suggestions... Luke I Title: Re: Assault on the hill ?!?!?! Post by: briankstan on June 29, 2009, 07:35:19 AM Russ said he might know of another place by there.
Title: Re: Assault on the hill ?!?!?! Post by: Russ on June 30, 2009, 11:56:14 AM There are / were a few hills at city hall on the east side. I have not noticed if they are still there or suffered the same fate as the hill out front.
We should email city hall and complain about the hill out front. In fact we should see if they will make us a nice RC track out on the east side of the building with one of thier tractors. |