Title: Introducing the Kyosho MR-03 Post by: briankstan on August 19, 2009, 01:16:52 PM Well it was bound to happen, Kyosho is releasing a new Mini-Z. the MR-03.
Nothing is really know about it yet, other than a lot of assumptions based on the pictures that have been popping up in the online forums. I'd figure I'd post them here for you all to see. A few things you can see, they changed the way the steering works, it looks like the steering bar is on the bottom similar to the F1 or MA-010 the H-plates are different, because the batteries were moved to a more centralized location. the front suspension is different, as well as the knuckles. click first picture to go to gallery. (http://www.saltlakemini-z.com/forum/gallery/2/thumb_1_19_08_09_1_21_12_8.jpg) (http://www.saltlakemini-z.com/forum/index.php?action=gallery;su=user;cat=167;u=1) (http://www.saltlakemini-z.com/forum/gallery/2/thumb_1_19_08_09_1_21_12_7.jpg) (http://www.saltlakemini-z.com/forum/gallery/2/thumb_1_19_08_09_1_21_11_6.jpg) (http://www.saltlakemini-z.com/forum/gallery/2/thumb_1_19_08_09_1_21_11_5.jpg) (http://www.saltlakemini-z.com/forum/gallery/2/thumb_1_19_08_09_1_21_11_3.jpg) (http://www.saltlakemini-z.com/forum/gallery/2/thumb_1_19_08_09_1_21_09_0.jpg) Let me know what you think. Title: Re: Introducing the Kyosho MR-03 Post by: CLODGUY on August 21, 2009, 05:44:45 AM Great,,, just more stuff that I want,, but cant afford.. lust kiddin,,, looks sweet..
I wonder if they will relaese a non 2.4 version for us poor folk Title: Re: Introducing the Kyosho MR-03 Post by: Russ on August 24, 2009, 08:21:32 AM I wonder if they will relaese a non 2.4 version for us poor folk Highly unlikely as it probably costs more to produce an AM radio and board, but who knows? Title: Re: Introducing the Kyosho MR-03 Post by: briankstan on August 24, 2009, 02:07:58 PM According to what I have read it will only be released as a 2.4gzh chassis.
this will not be replacing the MR-02, it seems that this will be a "Pro Race" version of the Mini-Z and will be priced accordingly. estimates range from about $240-260 for a TX-Less Chassis set. |