Title: Watch out!! Brians got a new toy. Post by: Russ on November 04, 2009, 12:43:50 PM All we need is Brian to be faster!! :flex: He's got a new MR-03 and he's hopping it up already. How bout you give us a rundown on it Brian? You should let us know the things you changed and why. Also let us know what benifits of the hopups are, like weight before and after on the different parts you add. Maybe if you get us all stoked about the MR-03 we might get one. Christmas is coming soon you know. ;)
Title: Re: Watch out!! Brians got a new toy. Post by: briankstan on November 04, 2009, 03:21:15 PM that's a good idea, I'll do a write up with pictures, weights and description of what I did and Why. ;D