Title: Energizer e2, 7.99 at Walgreens Post by: RonNation on December 21, 2009, 05:35:55 PM Walgreens: Energizer e2 Rechargeable NiMh Batteries AA (2500mAh) or AAA (900mAh) 4pk $7.99 ea - SlickDeals.net Forums (http://slickdeals.net/forums/showthread.php?t=1734579)
The link also shows how to get an extra $1 off. Just picked up 3 packs of these at the Walgreens on Redwood Road and 4700 S, now I just need a charger ;). Title: Re: Energizer e2, 7.99 at Walgreens Post by: briankstan on December 21, 2009, 11:08:42 PM thanks for the tip. Look for the engergizer 15 minute charger. you should be able to find one for under $25.
Title: Re: Energizer e2, 7.99 at Walgreens Post by: Russ on December 22, 2009, 12:16:06 PM Sams club has the Energizer 15min charger with 4 AA and 2 AAA in the package for $35.