Salt Lake Mini-Z Club Forum

Market Place => Market Place => Topic started by: theotherandy on July 11, 2010, 06:09:52 PM

Title: WTB RCP track
Post by: theotherandy on July 11, 2010, 06:09:52 PM
Im am looking to buy a RCP track for the basement. I want to try to stay away from the mini 96 and my budget is around $200.  And I have some inferno GT parts and short course truck parts to add for a trade.  I just want enough to get me started with a ok track and expand as I get the extra money that isn't dedicated to my GT addiction.

Title: Re: WTB RCP track
Post by: briankstan on July 11, 2010, 08:11:53 PM
Andy,  for $200 you can get 1 wide L kit,   I have an expansion kit I could sell for cheap or possibly trade for IGT parts.   it would be limited on turns but would get you a descent track for starting.

you can order the track in through the store.  I actually have the expansion kit here brand new in box.   Let me know if your interested.

Title: Re: WTB RCP track
Post by: theotherandy on July 12, 2010, 04:52:19 PM
If I order through you is there going to be freight added to it or is it the $199 + tax?  I have thought about buying the L new but if I can find one used on the cheap then I could afford more.  Do you think the mini 96 is a good buy, I can get around a track all right and don't mind a tight track but I am buying it so the wife can use it with me and don't want something to technical for her to get discouraged on.  Also is the mini 96 tile compatible with the standard or only the mini 96 and mini expandable.

Title: Re: WTB RCP track
Post by: briankstan on July 13, 2010, 02:15:53 PM
If I order through you is there going to be freight added to it or is it the $199 + tax?  I have thought about buying the L new but if I can find one used on the cheap then I could afford more.  Do you think the mini 96 is a good buy, I can get around a track all right and don't mind a tight track but I am buying it so the wife can use it with me and don't want something to technical for her to get discouraged on.  Also is the mini 96 tile compatible with the standard or only the mini 96 and mini expandable.

I personally would avoid the mini-96 track, unless you are going to spring for the expansion at the same time.  the track lanes are very narrow even for a 1/28th scale car.  With the expansion it's the same width as the Wide L track.   It's $199 + tax.  shipping is included.

the 30cm track will not connect with the 50cm tracks so you'd want to stick with what every you decide on.  I would recommend the 50cm tracks.  that's what we run our races on.

Do you have some mini-z's?   what are you planning on running on the track?   you should come races with us :)

Title: Re: WTB RCP track
Post by: theotherandy on July 13, 2010, 04:19:21 PM
I have a mr-02i mini z (don't know what the i stands for) and I just bought a mr-02 for my wife and those are the two I plan on using on the track.  I do plan on racing with you guys in the winter but right now I am racing IGT every other wednesday and two saturdays a month while trying to get down two blacksheep every other thursday.  Trying to justify two nights of racing not counting saturdays to the wife is a losing battle for me.  If no one responds with a used track in the next few days I will look to buying one from you and I can post up or pm you the GT parts I have if you interested in trading or reducing the price on a expansion kit.