Title: La Crosse Charger Post by: Nic-z on February 09, 2008, 01:42:53 AM Well I only have the xmod and some other quick chargers to compare it to but basically this is the mother of all chargers! I can set the mah from 200 to 1800 and there are modes such as 'discharge' charge' testcharge' (which tells you the max mah it can hold) Refreshcharge (which will discharge then charge, a number of times till it doesn't get any better, this is for old batteries or batteries that have been sitting, it helps wipe the memory)
You can also charge AA and AAA at the sametime and do different things on ea. cell. like cell bay 1 is discharging a AAA then Cell bay 2 is charging an AA etc. its pretty nice and on sale for about 35 dollars. anywho for what that review is worth. Title: Re: La Crosse Charger Post by: briankstan on February 10, 2008, 05:43:21 PM FYI, One thing I have heard is it's a good idea to have a fan blowing on the batteries as the can tend to get really hot on that charger, but from what I have read from other users it's a great charger.
Title: Re: La Crosse Charger Post by: Nic-z on February 10, 2008, 11:09:53 PM I keep them in a room w/ ambient temp around 40 so hopefully that will sufice they don't feel too hot. My Team orions 1100RT come soon we'll see how those preform.